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Update on Change Healthcare Cyber Event

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On Feb. 21, 2024, Change Healthcare announced that they had been compromised by a cyber event. The cyber event is the largest ever reported in the U.S. and affected approximately one-third of all U.S. healthcare transactions. 

Colonoscopy Services

Colonoscopy helps physicians detect colon cancer in its earliest stages. It can also monitor colon health when it’s affected by many other conditions, such as the digestive disorder Crohn’s disease.

At Allegheny Health Network (AHN), we offer comprehensive colonoscopy services to diagnose and treat many types of disease that affects the colon. You can meet with our highly trained colorectal specialists at one of our many convenient locations across western Pennsylvania.

What is a colonoscopy?

Colonoscopy is a procedure that checks the health of your colon (the bottom part of the intestine). During this procedure, a physician guides a long, flexible tube through your colon. This tool has a camera on its tip, which lets your physician check the inside of the colon for abnormalities.

Your physician may recommend you have a colonoscopy for different reasons. A screening colonoscopy allows your doctor to look for the earliest signs of colon cancer (called colon or colorectal polyps) before you show any symptoms.

If you experience digestive problems, your physician may ask you to undergo a diagnostic colonoscopy. This procedure allows your doctor to carefully inspect the colon for abnormalities that could explain your symptoms.

No buts: Book a colonoscopy

“But, it’s embarrassing.” “But, the prep is awful.” We all have our excuses — but a lifesaving colonoscopy is a lot easier than you think.

Colonoscopy services at AHN: Why choose us?

Our colorectal surgeons are skilled in performing diagnostic and screening colonoscopies to diagnose, treat, and prevent many forms of disease.

Highlights of our colonoscopy services include:

  • Highly trained physicians: When you undergo a colonoscopy by one of our colorectal surgeons, you are in experienced hands. Each of our surgeons is board-certified by the American Board of Colon and Rectal Surgery — a type of training that not all physicians who perform these procedures have. This training means our physicians perform colonoscopies with a high level of safety and effectiveness.
  • Team mindset: Some conditions, such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and colon cancer, need care from more than one type of specialist. Our colorectal surgeons work alongside AHNs gastroenterologists (digestive disease specialists), cancer specialists, and others. This team approach ensures we address every way a condition may affect your health.
  • Advanced technology: We provide traditional colonoscopy services as well as more advanced options. Virtual colonoscopy uses advanced imaging to clearly see inside the colon from outside your body. We also can use other types of sophisticated diagnostic tests if your physician needs to evaluate your condition more closely. Having these options available to our team helps offer you a higher level of care.
  • Convenience: We offer colonoscopies at several hospital and outpatient locations in the tri-state area. Visit us at the place that causes the least disruption to your day.
  • Care for complex conditions: If your colonoscopy detects disease, our specialists have many years of experience treating complex conditions, such as colon cancer. You can trust we have the expertise to care for the most difficult-to-treat conditions that affect the colon. 

Our colonoscopy locations

We provide diagnostic and screening colonoscopies at many locations throughout western Pennsylvania. That way, you can receive comprehensive care where it’s convenient for you. Find us at one of our colonoscopy locations.

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