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Update on Change Healthcare Cyber Event

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On Feb. 21, 2024, Change Healthcare announced that they had been compromised by a cyber event. The cyber event is the largest ever reported in the U.S. and affected approximately one-third of all U.S. healthcare transactions. 

Gestational Diabetes and Medical Care

Gestational diabetes is completely controllable. And the AHN Center for Diabetes and Endocrine Health can help you manage it well.

Keep in mind that gestational diabetes can often be treated well with diet and exercise alone. Sometimes, additional medications are needed to further control your blood sugar.

The first thing to remember is that once you’re diagnosed, it’s important to always control your blood sugar levels.

To accomplish this important task follow this simple and completely effective 6-step process:

  1. See your doctor regularly – Determine together how often you need to schedule a visit and work with your doctor to address and prevent issues and concerns before they become problems.
  2. Eat healthy and eat right – Work with one of our registered dietitians to develop a diet plan that’s right for you. You’ll learn more about what foods you can and should eat to keep your blood sugar controlled.
  3. Stay active and exercise regularly – To better keep your blood sugar under control exercise regularly – before, throughout, and after your pregnancy. Even moderate exercise, if ok’d by your doctor, such as a brisk walk for 30 minutes a day, five days a week is a good goal.
  4. Take prescribed medications – Follow your doctor’s advice and take your medications as needed or required. Wear a medical alert diabetes bracelet.
  5. Monitor your blood sugar – The key here is to do it often, recognizing that your blood sugar levels – from high to low - can change quickly. What you eat, how much you exercise, and how your baby is growing will change your blood sugar throughout the day.
  6. If your blood sugar is too low – Check your symptoms (do you feel dizzy or have headaches, are you sweating or look pale, do you feel anxious or is your heart beating too fast) and treat them quickly with a source of sugar, such as a 4 ounce glass of juice, a piece of hard candy, or three to four (glucose) tablets.

Always keep in mind that you should check your blood sugar often, especially as directed by your doctor and anytime you feel symptoms of low blood sugar.

If your doctor has determined that you have gestational diabetes, your insulin needs will continue to increase throughout the pregnancy, so don’t be surprised if the doses of medications prescribed by your doctor are adjusted accordingly.

It’s good to learn to adjust what you eat, or how much you exercise, as needed. A certified diabetes educator from The Diabetes Care Team can help you develop a plan that makes the most sense for you.

A Gestational Diabetes Plan

With gestational diabetes, Kayla needed a new OB/GYN quickly. AHN Grove City and Dr. Nicole Carlson were just the help she needed.

What happens after delivery?

After you deliver your new addition to the family, your doctor will want to follow up with you to determine the status of your gestational diabetes. During this office visit, your doctor will determine your need for annual follow-up and whether or not your gestational diabetes has become, or could become, type 2 diabetes.

In some cases, during a routine examination while you are pregnant your doctor may discover that you already have type 2 diabetes. This is another reason that you may need regular follow-up after you deliver.

Contact us

Call (412) DOCTORS (412) 362-8677 or request an appointment to learn more about AHN diabetes services.