Our large team of autoimmune specialists includes behavioral health providers who can help you deal with the unique stresses of having a chronic autoimmune illness. Get advice for the physical and mental concerns you face from 15 types of autoimmune specialists.
Our behavioral health providers have an in-depth knowledge about the different emotional hurdles people face from autoimmune diseases. When you come to our institute, you can sit down with one of our specialists to discuss yours. We will listen as long as you need and offer strategies to help you cope with the stress of living with a chronic illness.
Our behavioral health providers work closely with other medical specialists to address every way an autoimmune disease affects your physical and mental well-being. We also partner with you throughout your life to keep you as healthy as possible.
We focus on how an autoimmune disease affects both your physical and mental health. When you choose our Autoimmunity Institute for your care, you benefit from our:
Autoimmunity Institute:
West Penn Hospital
4815 Liberty Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15224
Located in 250 Mellon Pavilion
Call (833) 242-8246 to learn more about AHN autoimmune services.