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Update on Change Healthcare Cyber Event

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On Feb. 21, 2024, Change Healthcare announced that they had been compromised by a cyber event. The cyber event is the largest ever reported in the U.S. and affected approximately one-third of all U.S. healthcare transactions. 

AHN Stroke Centers

AHN Stroke Centers offer advanced treatment of cerebrovascular diseases — or diseases related to the brain and blood vessels. While these diseases, including all types of strokes, can have life-changing effects, our innovative stroke treatments and therapies can help patients reach the best possible outcome.

Nationally recognized stroke treatment

AHN Stroke Centers in western Pennsylvania and Erie provide a fast and accurate stroke diagnosis and create a personalized stroke treatment plan for the patients. Our stroke team includes board-certified neurologists, neurosurgeons, and specialists who work together to deliver the most effective stroke treatment for each patient.

Several AHN Stroke Center locations have received advanced stroke center certifications by The Joint Commission, designations that recognize the top-level care we provide for even the most complex stroke conditions.

AHN Stroke Centers are part of the Neuroscience Institute

As part of the AHN Neuroscience Institute, our stroke centers drive innovation in treating stroke conditions. Our experts also focus on neuroscience research that explores new diagnostic tools, medications, and surgical advancements for strokes. Plus, we are the only program in western Pennsylvania with fellowship-trained neurocritical care doctors. This team uses the latest treatments for patients who have complex neurological illnesses and intensive care.

Primary and Comprehensive Stroke Centers at AHN

Our Joint Commission-certified stroke centers offer two levels of advanced care for patients experiencing stroke:

AHN Primary Stroke Centers have a dedicated stroke treatment program staffed by stroke specialists. They work together to create individualized treatment programs for each patient, including making sure each patient has the continuing care they may need after they’re able to leave the hospital.

Our Primary Stroke Centers at:

AHN Comprehensive Stroke Center offer more specialized care for patients with complex stroke conditions. Stroke treatment capabilities here include 24/7 access to the most advanced imaging techniques, minimally invasive and traditional surgical procedures by dedicated experts, and specialized neurocritical care units. Patients experiencing a severe or complex stroke are often transported by AHN LifeFlight® emergency services from a Primary Stroke Center to the Comprehensive Stroke Center for more intensive treatment.

Our Comprehensive Stroke Center is:

Preventing and recognizing a stroke

When someone experiences the telltale warning signs that a stroke is in progress, AHN Stroke Centers are ready to quickly diagnose and treat all types of strokes and other cerebrovascular conditions.

Even though strokes are a leading cause of death in the United States and the leading cause of long-term disability, 8 in 10 strokes could be prevented by making lifestyle changes and managing chronic health conditions.* By taking some simple steps like knowing what your stroke risk factors are and making healthier choices in your everyday life, you can help prevent a stroke from occurring. 

Are you at risk for stroke?

One in three Americans is — and may not even know it. Learn three steps you can take now to protect yourself and help prevent a stroke.

Stroke treatment at AHN

AHN was the first health system in the region to give physicians access to immediate scans — anytime, anywhere — through RAPID® technology for stroke diagnosis. It is crucial to receive treatment as soon as possible after a stroke. This technology helps your team make the right diagnosis and stroke treatment plan for you. If you or a loved one needs stroke treatment in western Pennsylvania or Erie, AHN Stroke Centers provide specialized care and treatments. 

Telestroke services: Our neurologists share their experience and expertise with local community hospitals throughout the region to help patients with complex needs.

Schedule an appointment

To see an AHN stroke specialist for follow-up care, schedule an appointment by calling the office nearest you.

Contact our stroke specialists for follow-up care

Pittsburgh: Allegheny General Hospital
(412) 359-8850

Monroeville: Forbes Hospital
(412) 858-7766

Jefferson Hills: Jefferson Hospital
(412) 267-6360

Washington, PA: Chestnut Place Professional Building
(412) 228-1414

Looking for a new doctor or specialist?

Call (412) DOCTORS (412) 362-8677 and we’ll help you find a primary care physician (PCP) or specialist in your area and book your first appointment. 

LifeFlight is a trademark of Memorial Herman Hospital System, Inc. and is used under license.

RAPID is a registered trademark of iSchemaView, Inc.