Breast Imaging Fellowship Program Description

The Fellow is expected to train five days a week and have 20
days off during the twelve month fellowship. Ten months will be spent
completely in the Breast Center. The Fellow will always train under the direct
supervision of a fellowship trained breast imaging radiologist. There are two
basic rotations in the breast center for the Breast Imager and Fellow.  The Fellow’s schedule mirrors that of a
Breast Imaging Attending Radiologist. 
Days are typically divided into mornings and afternoons with some
mornings consisting of 4-6 procedures and 12-18 diagnostic exams performed in
the afternoon.  Other days will be
procedure heavy or diagnostic heavy depending on the site and day.  On a completely diagnostic day, the Fellow
can expect to read over 20 diagnostic exams. 
Our volume enables Fellows to become well versed in dealing with both
routine and complex cases both from a diagnostic and a procedural perspective.  The Fellow takes ownership of the schedule
and functions as first read on all diagnostic exams. 

We also offer regular screening days in which the Fellow is
only responsible for reading screening exams with a graduated volume
expectation as the year progresses.  The
screening days enable the Fellow to enhance their speed while maintaining
accuracy in preparation for life as an Attending Breast Imager.

Pertaining procedures, the Fellow can expect to work under
the direct supervision of a Breast Imaging Radiologist with graduated autonomy.
The Fellow and Attending will be responsible for performing all breast
interventional studies at a given site.  Breast Intervention includes the performance of
all needle localizations (wires, radioactive seeds, magnetic seeds; whether
they are mammographically or ultrasound guided) and interpretation of the
specimen mammogram related to the procedure; ultrasound-guided, stereotactic
and tomosynthesis-guided, as well as MRI-guided needle biopsies; cyst
aspirations; and the performance of axillary lymph node biopsies. The Fellow
will also learn and perform the technique for sentinel lymph node injection.

The diversity of our Breast Imaging Staff affords the Fellow
the unique opportunity to be exposed to a variety of procedural and diagnostic
techniques and in the process develop their own style.

With the recent addition of Abbreviated (Fast) Breast MRI,
our Breast MRI volume has increased significantly.  This is a major benefit to Fellows who train
in our program as they can expect to become extremely comfortable with
interpreting a high volume of Breast MRI.  The Fellow will review these studies
independently, pull all the data together, make up his/her mind of the findings
and then review the case with the attending breast imager. All studies will be
dictated by the Fellow and reviewed by the attending radiologist.

Medical professional looking at breast scans Medical professionals looking at a screen Medical professional looking at breast scans Medical professionals looking at a screen

Our breast centers have Medical & Surgical Oncology
Physicians, Extenders, and Navigators all practicing directly adjacent to the
imaging center.  This close proximity of
our clinical colleagues creates an environment built on collaboration.  The Fellow can expect to become comfortable
providing expert consultation to both providers and patients. 

A group picture of Breast Imaging Fellows and Staff

The Fellow will spend time rotating with Breast Pathologists
as well as Breast Surgeons.  These “off
service” rotations enable the Fellow to gain a deeper appreciation and
understanding of the importance of their role as Imaging Experts.

Every week there is a multidisciplinary breast tumor board
conference. The Fellow, along with the assigned attending, is responsible for
organizing relevant imaging in a presentation for each case being discussed at
the conference. The Fellow (alternating with residents) presents the cases each
week. This conference is for an hour, with an average of four cases presented.
In addition, the Fellow is expected to give one conference to the radiology
residents during the 12 month rotation.

A group shot of Fellows and staff

There are many clinical research projects ongoing in the
Division of Breast Imaging. In the 12 months, the Fellow is not expected to
originate a project but is encouraged to participate in any of them.

Fellows will have the opportunity to work with many
Attending Radiologists throughout the year. This mentorship fosters
identification of career goals and pathways. Graduates have gone on to careers
in both the academic and private practice setting, both regionally and across
the country. Fellows will be also be evaluated by each Attending that the
Fellow encounters through the various rotations. Individual evaluations are
then reviewed by the Fellowship Director with the Fellow. The Fellow has direct
interaction in this process and receives feedback throughout the fellowship

A view of Pittsburgh and the Roberto Clemente Bridge.

Pittsburgh is a city rich in history and culture and offers
many wonderful amenities for life outside of training. It is a vibrant and
exciting city, offering diverse culture, world-class arts and music,
prestigious colleges and universities, proximity to state and local
recreational parks, and a nationally-recognized culinary scene. It is home to
major sports teams as well as key players within an ever-growing tech industry.
Pittsburgh has been named Zagat’s Top Food Town, and is recognized as one of
the ‘most livable cities’ in the United States by Forbes and The Economist.
Pittsburgh’s beautiful landscape, rivers and bridges, and affordable cost of
living make it an attractive option for both individuals and families. We wish
you the best in your fellowship application!