Colonoscopy at Westfield Memorial

Our Direct Scope Program, offered Monday through Friday, helps you save time and money when screening guidelines indicate you are due for a screening colonoscopy.

Normally, your doctor would refer you to a gastroenterologist, and you would need a separate pre-op visit before getting the procedure done. Under our approach, we provide information packets to primary care practices throughout the community.

When it comes time for a screening, your doctor’s office mails you the packet or provides it at your next appointment. You then call us to schedule a colonoscopy at your convenience. You skip the pre-op appointment, saving time and avoiding additional copays. To participate, you do need to have completed a physical within the past six months.

About colonoscopies

In addition to diagnosing a range of gastrointestinal disease, colonoscopy is used to find signs of early colorectal cancer, when it is more treatable. After you prep at home, you receive a pain reliever and sedation. A doctor uses a thin tube and camera to examine the colon and rectum.

Learn more about American Cancer Society screening recommendations, and consider speaking with your doctor.

Contact us

Call (716) 326-4921 to request an appointment with a specialist at Westfield Memorial Hospital.

Find us

Westfield Memorial Hospital
189 East Main Street
Westfield, NY 14787