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Update on Change Healthcare Cyber Event

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On Feb. 21, 2024, Change Healthcare announced that they had been compromised by a cyber event. The cyber event is the largest ever reported in the U.S. and affected approximately one-third of all U.S. healthcare transactions. 

Pregnancy and Coronavirus

Trying to conceive, finding out you're pregnant, or preparing to welcome your baby while facing the many unknowns of Coronavirus (COVID-19) can add a lot of stress to an already emotion-packed journey.

A woman smiling standing in front of a green background

Find your reason. Get your shot.

View Anna's story on YouTube
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AHN supports you and your growing family

AHN can help you manage this challenging time and ensure that this is still a joyous and beautiful experience for your family.

Yes, protocols have changed, and that may be frustrating. But we promise these changes were made to keep you and your baby as safe and healthy as possible.

Quick guide to labor and delivery

To learn more about AHN's pregnancy and newborn services, download one of our quick guides to labor and delivery during Coronavirus.


Forbes Hospital
2570 Haymaker Road
Monroeville, PA 15146


Jefferson Hospital
565 Coal Valley Road
Jefferson Hills, PA 15025


Saint Vincent Hospital
232 West 25th Street
Erie, PA 16544


West Penn Hospital
4800 Friendship Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15224

An illustration of a person's hands holding a phone with an illustrated chat displayed on it.

Have questions? We have answers.

Take a look at common FAQs regarding pregnancy and Coronavirus. If you have any additional concerns, please reach out directly to your OB office. Our care teams are available to answer your questions and prepare you for what’s to come.

Quick guide to FAQs

Pregnancy Concerns

Labor and Delivery

General Questions

I have questions about Coronavirus during my pregnancy

Maternity Dr. Danielle Smith smiling in front of beige background

Dr. Danielle Smith talks about COVID-19 and the vaccine while pregnant

View pregnancy and COVID-19 video on YouTube
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Am I at greater risk for Coronavirus while pregnant?

In terms of getting Coronavirus, you are at no greater risk than a person who is not pregnant.

However, if you do contract it, your risk of serious illness is much greater. According to the CDC, pregnant women, especially those who are unvaccinated or have underlying conditions, have a greater risk of severe illness — which could include hospitalization, intensive care, or a ventilator to help them breathe. Getting a COVID-19 vaccine is your best form of protection.

If I have Coronavirus, can I pass that along to my baby?

Right now, there's is not much data on this. However, in the few cases that have occurred, Coronavirus did not pass from mom to baby. Breast milk and amniotic fluid were also found virus-free.

I'm currently pregnant and scared I'll get Coronavirus. What should I do?

Get your COVID-19 vaccine — this is the No. 1 step you can take to protect yourself and your baby from Coronavirus. You should also follow the CDC’s other safety guidelines: 

  • Stay home and avoid large crowds — especially indoors.
  • Avoid being within six feet of other people.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer often.
  • Try not to touch your face.

If you have a chronic medical condition, reach out to your doctor for other precautionary steps.

Can I skip my prenatal visits?

No — you should still have your prenatal visits. They’re important to ensure you and your child are healthy. Reach out to your OB practice for more information on scheduling your prenatal visits — AHN offers in-person and virtual options.

That said, we’re working to change things. AHN is following World Health Organization guidelines to allow for fewer in-person visits and implementing virtual visits when possible. Reach out to your OB for more information.

I’m pregnant and am feeling Coronavirus symptoms. What should I do?

Reach out to your OB. Your doctor will evaluate you over the phone and tell you what to expect. You can also complete a video visit.

While you wait to connect with your doctor or take any next steps, stay safely in your home and away from others.

Should I consider a home birth instead of going to a hospital?

AHN does not advocate for home births. Having your baby in a hospital is still the safest place you can be — as we’re prepared to handle any medical concerns that arise.

With everything going on with Coronavirus, should I consider getting induced early?

No — Coronavirus shouldn’t change the timing of your delivery. Your doctor will make recommendations on induction based on your specific health concerns.

I’m pregnant, and while I don’t have any Coronavirus symptoms, should I still get tested?

No. If you aren’t showing any symptoms and haven’t been directly exposed to Coronavirus, there’s no need to get tested.

I'm wondering what to expect when it's time to deliver

A mother gently laying her newborn who is wrapped in blankets, in the nursery.

When I go into labor, what should I do? How has the process changed?

Before you go to the hospital, call your OB-GYN. Your doc will do a quick over-the-phone evaluation and tell you what to do next. This call is a key step in keeping you safe and avoiding exposure at the hospital.

I'm delivering soon. How is AHN protecting me from Coronavirus exposure?

We are keeping you and your baby as safe as possible by limiting visitors in the hospital.

All patients who are suspected to have Coronavirus are isolated from the rest of the hospital. This includes any moms who come in to deliver. We have a special, isolated labor and delivery room — away from our other moms — to safely deliver.

What is the current visitor policy at AHN? I'm afraid I'll be delivering alone.

This one is extremely tough. But know this — you are in good hands. Our care teams are here to support you the best way we can.

Right now, you are allowed to have only one healthy visitor in the labor and delivery area. In addition to your one visitor, you are permitted to have your doula during delivery. View AHN's visitor policy here.

Am I permitted to have my doula with me during delivery?

Yes, your doula may be with you in addition to your one healthy support person.

Can Coronavirus be transmitted when breastfeeding?

There is extremely limited data on this, but as of now, there is no evidence of Coronavirus in breast milk.

Breastfeeding is highly encouraged, as it is rich in antibodies that can protect your baby from illnesses.

Are moms being discharged from the hospital sooner to make space?

If you're healthy, you can leave the hospital a day after a vaginal delivery or two days after a cesarean delivery.

I have Coronavirus and am near my due date. What happens when I go into labor?

Call your OB and your doctor will alert the hospital. When you get to the hospital, you’ll be admitted, given a surgical mask, and be placed into a special labor and delivery room. Your care team and support people will be wearing personal protective gear.

After delivery, we'll take all steps necessary to keep your baby safe. While it's hard, this means keeping you separated from your newborn until you’re no longer at risk of transmitting the virus.

I have Coronavirus, will I need to have a cesarean delivery?

No – having Coronavirus will not change your birth plan.

I still have questions that relate to Coronavirus

I'm trying to get pregnant and undergoing fertility treatments. Is it safe to continue those?

Yes – it's still safe to get pregnant. However, you should reach out to your OB or fertility specialist for more details.

I'm a health care worker and pregnant. What should I do?

The safety and health of you and your baby is extremely important to us. Speak to your supervisor about your situation and work together to limit your exposure to Coronavirus. If you have an underlying medical condition — such as hypertension, diabetes, asthma, kidney disease — then speak with your doctor. AHN offers all our employees the COVID-19 vaccine and will work with our pregnant employees to ensure they remain safe throughout their pregnancy.

If I test positive for Coronavirus, how will my care be managed?

Call your OB for additional details. They will care for you virtually or over the phone. After you have a confirmed negative test and your quarantine has been lifted, standard care can resume.

Have in-person pregnancy and childbirth classes resumed? Are there any virtual learning options as an expectant parent?

All our AHN childbirth classes have resumed to in-person, instructor-led classes. If you prefer to take classes from the comfort of home, we also have virtual classes available. Visit our classes and events page to sign up or contact your hospital for more information.

West Penn Hospital
(412) 578-7030

Jefferson Hospital
(412) 469-7100

Forbes Hospital
(412) 330-4469

St. Vincent Hospital
(814) 452-5255

What happens if my baby is premature and needs to stay in the NICU?

Caring for our most fragile lives and keeping them safe is our top priority. While it's difficult, only one set of parents per child will be allowed in the NICU. This is for the health of your baby and the other newborns in this space. View AHN’s visitor policy here.

I've brought my baby home and I'm having a hard time adjusting, especially without my support system available. How do I get help?

You are not alone. AHN has an outstanding program that helps new moms cope with postpartum depression and anxiety.

No matter how you're feeling, we are here to help. Learn more about the Alexis Joy D’Achille Center for Perinatal Mental Health. If you fear you are in immediate danger, call 911 or 1-800-SUICIDE.

Contact us

Call (412) DOCTORS (412) 362-8677 or request an appointment to learn more about AHN pregnancy and newborn services.


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