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Update on Change Healthcare Cyber Event

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On Feb. 21, 2024, Change Healthcare announced that they had been compromised by a cyber event. The cyber event is the largest ever reported in the U.S. and affected approximately one-third of all U.S. healthcare transactions. 

Diagnosing Sleep Disorders

Sleep studies at one of our facilities or at home

A variety of abnormal sleep patterns and their causes are identified by a sleep study which will be used to direct proper therapy.

Our compassionate staff members place an emphasis on comfort and convenience for each patient. Our state-of-the-art sleep centers are equipped with the latest technology to facilitate fast and accurate diagnosis and treatment of each patient’s sleep disorder. We also offer portable home sleep testing for eligible patients.

Respiration, oxygen levels, heart rhythm, limb movements, and brain wave activity are all monitored during your sleep. Two studies may be required for complete evaluation.

Home Sleep Testing (HST) – It is used to diagnose obstructive sleep apnea in patients that are at high risk for sleep apnea and do not have other medical conditions such as heart disease, pulmonary disease, or neuromuscular disease. It allows you to sleep at home wearing equipment that collects information about how you breathe during sleep. You will be instructed on the equipment use, and will set up the equipment yourself at home. The HST will monitor your breathing patterns, oxygen level, and heart rate during sleep. A board-certified sleep physician will review the information collected during the sleep study, and a report will be provided to your physician who will discuss the results with you. If the HST results determine that you have sleep apnea, you will be scheduled for an in-lab PAP titration study.

In-lab Diagnostic Sleep Study – You will be required to stay overnight at one of our sleep centers. It provides a complete evaluation of your sleep patterns, including brain wave recording, heart rhythm, eye movements, leg movements, respiratory effort, snoring, and oxygen levels. If the results determine that you have sleep apnea, you will be scheduled for an in-lab PAP Titration study. If the results determine that you have another type of sleep disorder, the board-certified sleep physician will work with you to develop a specific treatment plan.

In–lab PAP titration study – This is used to determine the level of positive airway pressure needed to minimize episodes of sleep apnea. This study is identical to the in-lab diagnostic study in terms of preparation and set up, with the addition of positive airway pressure. The technologist will work with you to choose a mask, provide instruction, and work with you to make you comfortable. During the night, the technologist will adjust the level of airflow to the specific amount needed for you. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy is the frontline treatment for obstructive sleep apnea.

What to expect from a sleep study

On the day of your sleep study, you should follow your regular routine, avoid napping, and eliminate caffeine after lunch.

Prior to arriving for your sleep study, you should shower and avoid using lotions, hairspray, gel, and remove nail polish. Bring comfortable pajamas, your favorite pillow, toiletries, and reading material.

When you arrive, the sleep technologist will get you comfortable in your room, and a sleep questionnaire will be completed. The sleep technologist will then prepare for the study by placing sensors on your body to measure brain waves, snoring, breathing, heart rate and rhythm, leg movement, and oxygen levels. Once you are set up, you are free to read or watch TV. When it is time for you to try to go to sleep, the test will begin. In the morning, the technologist will remove the sensors and complete a morning sleep questionnaire.

Results – A board-certified physician will review the information collected during the sleep study and a report will be provided to your physician who will discuss the results with you.

Contact us

Call (412) DOCTORS (412) 362-8677 or request an appointment to learn more about AHN sleep medicine services.