Patient Satisfaction

We appreciate that patients have a lot of choices when it comes to where they receive their healthcare and who they want to provide it. It is our goal at Allegheny Health Network to provide not just exceptional care, but tools to help patients decide where to receive the best care for them.

Unlike on regular review sites where anyone can submit a review, the ratings and comments we provide come directly from our patients who have seen the doctor. And we are delighted that so many of our patients find meaningful and personalized care in our medical offices and hospitals.

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About the patient satisfaction survey

At Allegheny Health Network, we use a third-party vendor, Press Ganey, to gather patient satisfaction information. Press Ganey is used by other hospitals and health systems and is trusted by government agencies, including the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). One of the greatest benefits to our partnership with Press Ganey is our ability to ensure patient confidentiality.

When an outside company is used to distribute, collect, and manage patient feedback, patients know that the information provided and appearing on doctor profiles is non-biased. Surveys are distributed to patients who visit an Allegheny Health Network doctor in an office or clinic setting. Mail surveys are distributed to a random sampling of patients and email surveys are provided to every patient who provides an email address during their appointment. Patients are eligible to receive a survey if they have not received a patient satisfaction survey within the last 90 days. Survey questions address the doctor’s compassion, communication style, and the likelihood that the patient would recommend the doctor.

Once the survey is completed and returned, it is transcribed, and comments and ratings appear on the Allegheny Health Network doctor profiles in a matter of weeks.

The benefit of displaying patient feedback

It is important to all health systems to nurture a high-quality experience between patients and doctors, but Allegheny Health Network doctors are going further and encouraging patients to share their feedback through the patient satisfaction survey. We use this information to continually strengthen the patient-doctor relationship.

Every patient has different needs when it comes to their care and their doctor. Having dependable review information immediately available can help patients pick the doctor that is right for them based on the criteria that they find important. Allegheny Health Network wants our website to serve as an easy way to find care and see trustworthy information about our doctors. The reviews are designed to empower patients to make informed decisions about their healthcare by giving them better access to reliable information.

What questions are the ratings based on?

Ratings are based on responses to 5 questions about the doctor measured on a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 being the best score. Questions include:

  • Explanations the care provider gave you about your problem or condition
  • Concern the care provider showed for your questions or worries
  • Care provider's efforts to include you in decisions about your treatment
  • Care provider’s discussion of any proposed treatments (options, risks, benefits, etc.)
  • Likelihood of your recommending this care provider to others

What makes Allegheny Health Network reviews reliable?

When the Press Ganey Seal of Integrity accompanies the physician star rating and comments, you can be sure that the information is valid and objective. The measures have been tested in national validation studies to ensure reliability, predictive validity and construct validity. By displaying the Seal of Integrity an organization proudly acknowledges that the data meet scientifically-rigorous standards, and the organization is certified to meet the following requirements:

  • 100% validation of patient responses. Responses are from the patients who saw the referenced physician.
  • Compliance with the Press Ganey Star Rating methodology (zero to five stars).
  • Assurance of 30 or more survey returns per provider.
  • Complete posting of positive and negative feedback with the exception of comments that are libelous, slanderous, profane or those that risk patient privacy.

Both positive and negative comments will appear in their entirety on doctor’s profiles. However, we do not post comments that are libelous, slanderous, and profane or those that risk the privacy of our patients. To ensure that the spirit of the review is kept, any profanity, information that could identify who wrote the comment, or comments not about the experience with the doctor are replaced with […].

Criteria for display of reviews on physician profiles

Allegheny Health Network doctors who see patients in an office or clinic and have a reliable number of completed patient surveys will have reviews included on their profile. Ratings are updated every day to reflect the past 365 days to ensure the most accurate information for our patients.

Affiliated doctors who have privileges at Allegheny Health Network hospitals but are not part of Allegheny Health Network will not have reviews on their profile pages because they are not employed by Allegheny Health Network. We do not survey the patients of doctors who are not part of Allegheny Health Network.

How to share feedback about a doctor's visit

We encourage all patients to tell us about their experience with our doctors. Sharing feedback about a visit with a doctor is as simple as filling out and returning the patient satisfaction survey sent after an appointment. To ensure you receive a survey, provide your email address to the staff in the doctor’s office.

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